############################################################################################################ Howto use: alliance-infos: allianzen.php: http://travian.ping-timeout.de/travissimo/allianzen.php?aid=ENTER_AID&domain=ENTER_GAMEDOMAIN f.e: http://travian.ping-timeout.de/travissimo/allianzen.php?aid=11&domain=welt5.travian.de decreased player to 5. village-infos: dorf.php http://travian.ping-timeout.de/travissimo/dorf.php?d=ENTER_D&domain=ENTER_GAMEDOMAIN f.e: http://travian.ping-timeout.de/travissimo/dorf.php?d=445768&domain=welt5.travian.de decreased villages to 5. player-infos: travissimo.php http://travian.ping-timeout.de/travissimo/travissimo.php?uid=ENTER_UID&domain=ENTER_GAMEDOMAIN f.e: http://travian.ping-timeout.de/travissimo/travissimo.php?uid=25991&domain=welt5.travian.de decreased player to 5. check http://travian.ping-timeout.de/index.php?m=scriptentwickler&lang=english too... ############################################################################################################ ############## if you use my database, please place a link on your website and your script. ############### ############################################################################################################ NEWS: 2017-12-17: this API will be closed. Use the API at http://travianstats.de. the new api contains more informations about members and villages. http://blog.travianstats.de/category/developer-api/ 2009-03-08: if you use my database, please use the statslink to my site in your script. this server is paid by the advertisements. if nobody links to my page, this service will become closed soon. 2009-02-02: second travissimo-database created. 2008-12-03: new script available: http://travian.ping-timeout.de/index.php?m=scriptentwickler&lang=english 2008-11-27: i wrote some source-examples to get access to my statistic-database. if you use it, please place a link to the "statslink" in your script. playerinfo: http://travian.ping-timeout.de/sources/spielerinfo_source.txt allianceinfo: http://travian.ping-timeout.de/sources/allianzinfo_source.txt 2008-09-26: serverupdate completed... the data should be delivered immediately 2008-09-17: - new data in travissimo.php date, daily rank, number of villages, inhabitants test: http://travian.ping-timeout.de/travissimo/travissimo.php?uid=25991&domain=welt5.travian.de example: ######## 2008-09-17 885 8 5260 ... ... ######### - translation: datum -> date rang -> rank doerfer -> villages einwohner -> inhabitants - new data in allianzen.php date, daily rank, number of players and villages, total inhabitants test: http://travian2.ping-timeout.de/travissimo/allianzen.php?aid=11&domain=welt5.travian.de example: ######## 2008-09-17 7 48 458 306947 ... ... ######## - translation: datum -> date rang -> rank spieler -> players doerfer -> villages einwohner -> inhabitants - sometimes the server is realy slow. the problem is, its placed in my homeoffice with a 6MBit dsl connection. its ONLY FOR TESTING-PURPOSES. the server will be killed, when my update is stable. 2008-09-07: travissimo.php & allianz.php become answered by my server in my homeoffice. its only a test.... server will be killed, when new database is running stable. 2008-08-17: alliance-infos temp. disabled. too much cpu-load on big worlds. working on this. please be patient. player-infos will be cached too, when opening player-stats-website. this will accelerate the output of travissimo.php. all info-pages become turned off, while inaktive-finder-script is running. in this case, online cached informations are available. 2008-08-15: changed output in alliance, village and player-infos. "datum" (date) will not be displayed. 2008-08-14: Database becomes rewritten, because serverload is too heavy. i'm working on a new database-concept. if it works, the server will respond faster then ever. please be patient.