Detailed Gameworld statistics for

Here you find information about every single world.

From now on it will be recorded how the average of the "villages per player" is and how the tribes are distributed.
Additionally you have an exact overview about the increase of every single world.

Playerstatistics - Last update : 01.01.1970 01:00:00
Players total :
Inhabitants total : 0
Villages total :
Ø Villages per player : 0,000000
Player distribution :  
Romans : - 0,00 %
Teutons : - 0,00 %
Gauls : - 0,00 %
Player without alliance : - 0,00 %
Inhabitants : - 0,00 %
Ø Inhabitants per player : 0,00
Player with alliance : - 0,00 %
Inhabitants : - 0,00 %
Ø Inhabitants per player :
Alliances :
Ø Player per alliance : 0,00
Ø Inhabitants per alliance : 0,00

Schematic picture of

Top 10 Player of

# player alliance inhabitants
player  -  

 Top 10 alliances of

# alliance player villages inhabitants

Top of 10 social climbers of the last 7 days of

Social climber by rank Social climber by inhabitants Social climber by villages
1 player  - (+)
1 player  - (+)
1 player  - (+)
Top of 100 social climbers of the last 7 days

Top 10 losers of the last 7 days of

loser by rank losers by inhabitants losers by villages
1 player  - [?] ()
1 player  - [?] ()
1 player  - [?] ()
Top 100 losers of the last 7 days

Spielwelt Statistiken:
# Players Villages Adelungen Siedelungen Neustarts Löschungen Last update
No changes in map.sql
01.01.1970 01:00:00

Are you missing a world ? Give us a note.
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Serverzeit: 28.04.24 - 03:22:31 - Ladezeit der Seite: 0.002834 Sekunden
Dies ist ein Projekt von Marc W. Erfel -